Holiday week trash pickup
As a reminder: Trash pickup this week (9/7 – 9-11) will be Wednesday and Friday. No yard waste pickup this week.
Southern charm, family style
As a reminder: Trash pickup this week (9/7 – 9-11) will be Wednesday and Friday. No yard waste pickup this week.
Voting is one of our foundational rights in this country. Every election, we help shape our local communities and nation as a whole by participating in the process. Many have fought, and some have paid the ultimate price, to secure and protect our right to vote. There is still time to register to vote in … Read more
Thanks to the two neighbors who shared the videos to keep us aware. Again, if you see a suspicious person, call 911 immediately. If you recognize this person from either video, call 911 or the number on the earlier email. Unknown person was startled by the motion light and then resumed checking the car doors. … Read more
The City of Marietta was not able to pick up all the recycling from today’s routes because of a manpower shortage. The City will be picking up the rest of the recycling on Saturday. A text message was sent out to all the impacted customers who have the City’s Trash Talk app.
Allgood Road will be closed from Cobb Pkwy to Tom Read Drive today (Friday, August 28th) and potentially tomorrow as well. A 48 inch storm water drain pipe failed and caused a hole to develop in the road. The City will be replacing the pipe and repairing the road. Update on the Allgood Rd Stormwater … Read more
This video was sent to us by a neighbor. It shows a person checking vehicle doors to see if they are locked. Location was Crown Terrace in Cameron Park. Please remember to lock all vehicle doors that are in your driveway and remove any valuables. Also ensure that you lock your home doors as well. … Read more
The sign on the east side of the Cameron Glen entrance has been replaced with a new sign. The sign on the west side and both signs at the Cameron Park entrance will be painted to match the new sign. These sign updates were part of our 2020 Budget. We budgeted $5000 and the final … Read more
From CobbLine Weekly: For the complete newsletter, visit: Social media can be a great tool to connect during COVID-19, but it can also be the source of bad information. There have been posts that Cobb County will not allow absentee balloting for the November general election. Nothing could be further from the truth. In … Read more
As you may have noticed, the milling on Cameron Glen Drive was postponed due to weather. I requested an update from the City DPW and was informed this morning that the milling has been rescheduled for Friday, 8/7/20. The work will still be from the Allgood Road entrance to the vicinity of 1486 Cameron Glen … Read more
I spoke with a City of Marietta official to get clarification on the exact location of the work to be performed. He informed me that the work will be from the Allgood Road entrance to the vicinity of 1486 Cameron Glen Drive. Please plan accordingly for access to and egress from your home. Please DO NOT park … Read more