Our current ACC Committee Chairperson is Anshu Srivastava.

The ACC Committee is responsible for approving all exterior changes to your home and or land with the exception of those items specified in the current Design Standards. All projects not specified in the current Design Standards will require and a formal ACC Request and must be submitted and approved before any projects are to be started. The neighborhood covenants allow up to 30 days to process your request. Please plan accordingly. Our goal is to process your request in under 15 days.

Requests must be submitted via the forms below and be emailed to Anshu with a copy sent to Janine Long of Homeside Properties at JLong@homesideproperties.com.


Department of Public Safety, Cobb County Animal ControlSec. 10-138. – SanitationDog Waste Persons who permit their animals to defecate on public or private property other than their own property are required to immediately pick up the feces, bag the feces, and properly dispose of the feces. Animal waste shall be removed by placing said matter in a closed or sealed container and thereafter disposing of it in the animal owner’s or public trash receptacle, sanitary disposal unit or other closed or sealed refuse container.