Pool opening

As you know, we had our HOA pool replastered this year.  The process was on schedule until the many rain days in March delayed the work.  The work was completed and the pool was filled on April 18.

As previously relayed, there is a startup period after the new plaster was installed on the pool.  This period allows the concrete to cure with chemicals being balanced as needed.

The good news is that the startup period ends tomorrow.

Sears Pool, our maintenance contractor, will add salt tomorrow and begin the process of getting the pool water chemically balanced to the point that it will pass the Cobb County inspection.

We have applied the required markings on the pool deck and performed other maintenance work to expedite the inspection.

If there are no surprises pertaining to the inspection criteria, we anticipate the pool opening late this week or early next week. We will get the inspection scheduled as soon as the water chemistry and other criteria are met.

A definite opening date will be announced as soon as it becomes available.

Thank you for your understanding as we work to improve our community.

Randy Bateman

HOA President