The following rules and regulations are added to the Cameron Glen Homeowners Association Rules and Regulations for Use of Tennis Courts. The rules below are in addition to current CGHOA rules for the tennis courts and will be in effect until further notice. In the event of a conflict between the rules in this addendum and the current tennis rules, the rules in the addendum shall take precedence.
- All personnel who wish to use the CGHOA amenities MUST sign a Waiver of Liability and Hold Harmless Agreement prior to using any amenity.
- Social distancing guidelines on and off the courts shall apply. Please maintain a distance of at least 6 feet apart from one another to the extent possible.
- No more than 4 persons are allowed on any one court at a time, including benches.
- Masks or cloth face coverings are encouraged.
- Use hand sanitizer and/or disinfectant wipes after touching common use surfaces as well as after coughing, sneezing, etc.
- Do not share suntan lotion, equipment, food, or drinks.
- New tennis balls are to be opened then discarded in trash bin after use.
The tennis courts remain available for the recreational use of our members with the understanding that they assume all risk associated with such use.
These Rules and Regulations are based on requirements set forth by the CDC, state and local governments. As those requirements change, the CGHOA rules will be adjusted accordingly.
Thank you for your cooperation.